While doing my daily thing today, I thought I kept hearing a cat. I checked each window and door but didn't see either of mine wanting to come in. Then remembered the sound was when Shadow wants me to see what she has caught.
Can you see the skank lizard by her hind legs? It has a reddish head. The one my other cat had a couple of years ago was black.

I went outside as I couldn't tell what she had. Well, on closer inspection I saw a skank lizard laying next to her. Me and my camera instinct took it with me. I took several photos, then took a stick and poked at it to see if it was still alive. They are noted for playing dead. Sure enough it was still moving.
Shadow was being very protective of her catch and showing me how proud she was. I gingerly tricked her a few times trying to get its tail and throw it away. Each time a piece of its tail broke in my fingers and it fell very short of my mark. Finally, it was close enough to my azalea bushes on the back fence line so I used a stick to toss it into them.

Survive??? Don't know, but know that my cat would have just kept pestering it until it was dead. She kept looking all around wondering where it was. Poor girl.